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Midboard: an alternate term for "opponent's outer board"

Posted By: Nack Ballard
Date: Thursday, 1 December 2011, at 3:02 p.m.

In Response To: Midboard: an alternate term for "opponent's outer board" (Strato)

"The inner board" (or "the inner quadrant") is often used to mean "my inner board" (or "my inner quadrant") as opposed to the opponent's inner board (which can be referred to as "the back quadrant," again from my or the player's point of view). Likewise, that is true of any board (or quadrant), whatever its prefix or pre-word.

And I do prefer them being referred to as quadrants rather than boards.

Okay, just to be clear then, you are saying that you prefer, for example, "inner quadrant" to the synonymous "inner board." Likewise, therefore, you would prefer "mid quadrant" (or midquadrant) to the synonymous "mid board" (or midboard), if you had to choose between the two. :) That's consistent.

I also like the Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 scheme Tom mentioned (and your similar ones), as I mentioned here. There are certainly fine applications for it.


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