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Nackgammon opening moves, data from three bots

Posted By: Nack Ballard
Date: Saturday, 7 January 2012, at 9:20 a.m.

In Response To: NackGammon 1st moves added to XG's opening book (eXtreme Gammon)

Nice compilation of XG rollouts, Xavier.

The (money) nacbracs below represent rollouts from three bots:

    NG 21 [@ v10 U30 V35] "<41*10
    .............[@ v9 U34 V44] <62*31
    .............[@ v16 U37 V40 s59 E78 S91 E99 D103 u116] /62*15*5
    .............[@ v14 U26 V39 s58] ~10**6 3

    NG 41 [Q V11 T38] "<41*10
    .............[Q V4 T36] <64*15
    .............[Q v7 T34 S68 s70 W81 U94] /62*15 5

    NG 51 [s U7 V28 S73] "<41*10
    .............[U s2 V26 S55 $76 W109] /62*20 5
    .............[s U11 V40] ~10*5

    NG 52 [Q z5 Z7 R23 S24] "<82*41 10
    .............[Q Z11 z13 S24 R36 U50] <62***31 15
    .............[Q z5 Z9 S15 R34 U57 C58] /62**46 15 5
    .............[Q z10 S16 Z19] ~10

    NG 53 [z P20 Z25 r43 Q47 R54 S59 U64] "<35*10
    .............[z P12 Z15 r=Q41 R49 S58 U62] <62**31**15
    .............[z P8 Z21 Q36 r40 R44 S65 U67 D135 $145] /62*20*10*5
    .............[z P14 Z19] ~10

    NG 54 [Z Q27 R30 r47 S57 D109] "<20**10
    .............[Z R21 Q23 r43 S48] /31**11

    NG 62 [S Q1 r2 R11 U26 C64] "<103**20 10
    .............[r Q5 S9 R22 U33 C53 $72 W88 Z92] /62**31 15 5

    NG 63 [Q R3 r18 S29 U56] "<82*10
    .............[R Q10 r25 S43 U55] /62*20 10

    NG 64 [R S9 U37] "<20*10
    .............[S R1 U42] /62*15

For each roll listed, the XG2 rollout ("<) was started by Miran and finished by Xavier. When it is followed on the next line by an XG1 rollout (<), that was done by Ken. GnuBG rollouts (/) were started by Nack, extended by a Stick assignee, and finished by Ken. Snowie rollouts (~) were done by Nack or Paul (non-live-cube data omitted). Explanation of nacbracs.

In Nackgammon, opening rolls of 61, 31, 42, 65, 43 and 32 (not listed above) should be used to make an offensive or defensive key point. The results are not close.

You can match up the letters/symbols of the plays by comparing the rollout results here. In any case, I'll cheerfully answer any questions about Nactation.


P.S. For rolls of 53 and 54, the files Xavier sent me (represented by the nacbracs in this post) differ a bit from the results he posted here. I'll address those differences in a separate post.

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