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Should Major Tournament Events be Allowed to be 'Resolved' by Agreement Rather than by Play?

Posted By: Stick
Date: Tuesday, 10 January 2012, at 4:29 a.m.

In Response To: Should Major Tournament Events be Allowed to be 'Resolved' by Agreement Rather than by Play? (Strato)

As I said in my post, you can debate the merits of what they are worth to the individual. I've said many times before that I honestly don't care about backgammon trophies and if someone would pay me for them I wouldn't have them. I traipsed over them on my bedroom floor for about 2 years until last year I finally moved them.

Most people are to some degree 'horrified' at this but I think growing up in the household I did where my dad eventually just tossed all his bowling trophies explains a lot.


One time a girl was wasted in my room and was suddenly going to vomit. The first thing I reached for was a trophy from Vegas that has those big cups on top and just threw it out afterwards. No joke.


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