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Am i missing something?

Posted By: Maik Stiebler
Date: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, at 9:12 a.m.

In Response To: Am i missing something? (Maik Stiebler)

I wrote: but as far as I can see, those are situations where the cube will tend to be given very early anyway.

Scratch that, I couldn't see very far when insomnia induced me to post that. Obviously, at sufficiently lopsided scores Phil's game is very much about the trailer trying to play on for a gammon, staying far away from the cube. Thus, I finally disagree with Stein's assertion that Phil's game would be the nearly the same if played cubelessly.

But for the three scores that Phil asked about, I still think that optimal cube play will be mainly about both sides trying not to lose their markets.

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