BGonline.org Forums
Seminars during Nordic Open 2012
Posted By: julie
Date: Monday, 5 March 2012, at 2:50 p.m.
Seminars during Nordic Open 2012
Want to be a champ player? Step 1 – go to Nordic Open and take your seat in the seminars.
Beginners seminar: Tuesday morning, two times Nordic winner Karsten Bredahl will take care of all the beginners and teach them all they need to know to get a great start in their Backgammon Career (the seminar will be in Danish).
Expert Seminar: Danish expert player and backgammon author Marc Olsen will host a seminar on advanced checker play.
Mochy Quiz: want to crack the hard problems? Mochy will go through some hard problems and explain what to consider in there uncommon positions.
Inside the Experts head: Mochy will play a match against Falafel where they comment on all decisions they have. So want to know what goes on inside the head of the experts, then better watch this match. As Mochy said “We are thinking about more than just lucky dice”.
Watch the final: The final will be shown on a big screen and Falafel has promised to comment on each decision in the match.
DK vs. The World Final: Saturday all team members of the two strong teams will play the big consultation match. Watch the best argue and struggle to choose between best moves and game plans. This is a must see!
Hope to see all of you at Nordic Open 2012
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