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Not your average 52

Posted By: Chuck Bower
Date: Thursday, 8 March 2012, at 12:48 a.m.

In Response To: Not your average 52 (Timothy Chow)

Three plays tempt me:

9(2) makes a nice point and cleans up some blots;

14/7* puts opp on the bar, hampering his choices on the upcoming roll;

18/11 blocks opp's anchor's 6's while cleaning house.

Blue's checker on the 18-point annoys me. It's not doing much (if any) good and meanwhile it's vulnerable to attack, particularly in conjunction with other blots being hit. Of the three plays above only 18/11 corrects this (in my view) eyesore. Hit plays usually deserve extra consideration and this position is no exception. However there are tons of return shots and even if half of them are incorrect, that leaves half a ton of correct return hits. Short of fanning it just doesn't seem to hurt opp much.


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