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Link to Nack's Explanations
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: Nacbracs for Cube Actions? (Taper_Mike)
Date: Friday, 30 March 2012, at 11:56 p.m.
I just found a couple of posts from last year where Nack explains more fully how to put cube actions in nacbracs. Mike
Equities in nacbracs, bot symbols
Posted By: Nack Ballard <nack2000@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Friday, 13 May 2011, at 6:05 p.m.
http://www.bgonline.org/forums/webbbs_config.pl?noframes;read=96451A cube decision nacbrac has no play letter, only a cube letter. It starts with D (Double), N (no double), R (Redouble), or X (no redouble), then equity in thousandths, and the difference in equity if the other action occurs, which (logically) represents the equities consecutively. For example,
[D 603–14]
... means that the position is a double with an equity of .603, and not to double is .014 lower (i.e., .589). [As 603 is less than 1000, the position is also a take, of course.] One could expand the formatting to [D 603 N 14] or [D 603 N 589], but its unnecessary.
If one were to write the cube nacbrac as [603 D N14], it would be indistinguishable from a play nacbrac. Does it mean that with an equity of .603 it is a Double with No double being .014 worse, or does it mean that with an equity of .603 playing Down is best with Near is .014 worse? Rather than "consistency," I would call that ambiguity or confusion.
In the case of a play decision where you want to include the best-play equity (atypical but we agree it can be useful on occasion), I find it a bit less disruptive to keep the play letters consecutive: i.e., [-688 P c56 E63], as opposed to [P -688 c56 E63], though either way is okay.
6xS-11N-F-C, data summary
Posted By: Nack Ballard <nack2000@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Saturday, 12 February 2011, at 9:00 a.m.
http://www.bgonline.org/forums/webbbs_config.pl?noframes;read=88949Here is cube action data for the three related positions:
62S-11N-F-C [N 676–25] <10
63S-11N-F-C [N 687–25] <10
64S-11N-F-C [N 683–26] <10For cube action nacbracs, I use N for No double, D for Double (or C for Cube), X for no redouble, and R for Redouble.
After the N is its No-double equity (in thousandths), followed by the size of the theoretical error if a Double is offered (and taken). Determining the equity after Double/Take is simple: For example, for the first position, 676 – 25 = 651 (i.e., .0651).
The Double/Pass equity is always 1.000; it is a waste of space to include that information. The gain (in thousandths) from "incorrectly" doubling but getting a pass in the first position is 1000 – 676 = 324.
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