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Posted By: Timothy Chow
Date: Saturday, 12 May 2012, at 11:10 p.m.

In Response To: WHEN? WHAT? HOW? (Mr Majestyk)

1. Seems like a good "pointless" double to me. Ten checkers in the zone, race lead, White has no development. Though White is likely to anchor somewhere, there are also definite blitzing chances, and Blue should retain the advantage in almost all variations. Easy take, though.

2. White is on the bar so this looks like a good time to break anchor. 18/15 18/14 duplicates White's hitting rolls nicely and aims at our 9pt.

3. With gammons counting, the hit looks clear to me. I fantasize about White trying to enter three checkers from the bar against our five-point board. I suspect that hitting is still right at DMP. It gains a tempo, hampering White from developing a counterprime. Dumping a checker on our 1pt is a little ugly, but the spare is not doing much on our 6pt. Of course, we could get two checkers trapped and have to break our prime but that looks like a very unlikely parlay.

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