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RO surprise: winning the most games AND most gammons is not the best move...?!

Posted By: Bob Koca
Date: Sunday, 13 May 2012, at 3:02 p.m.

In Response To: RO surprise: winning the most games AND most gammons is not the best move...?! (Klaus Evers)

There are at least a coulle ideas that you may be missing:

1) those reported values are estimates of what would happen were the game to be played out cubeless. Since cube power may differ the best actual play might not be the same.

2) your idea that best gwc play gives best cube next turn is just wrong. In this paticular case after playing safe you get a super efficient cube if the opponent does not cover a homeboard blot and a good cube even if he does (some bot assistance). After the pick and pass you often have overage with a double and big pass. That overage makes the cubeless values high but are not worth anything extra in the actual game. Also if hit you've lost the advantage entirely.

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