BGonline.org Forums
The next major revolution in backgammon bots
Posted By: Stick In Response To: The next major revolution in backgammon bots (Michael Petch)
Date: Tuesday, 22 May 2012, at 4:23 a.m.
18.8PR and 69% win rate against XG2 across 75,000 games wouldn't be a statistical fluke.
No, it shouldn't be. I am going to go out on a limb and say that something is fubared though. I have no idea what that is unless given all the data/information.
I can easily accept that backgammon isn't near 'solved' but to suggest that anything but making the 5pt with an opening 31 against a XG like opponent makes chocolate milk come out of my nose. I haven't had chocolate milk since I was 7. (ok, that's a lie, but trying to make a point here...the 5pt)
Would you back your bot against me in a money session right now?
Stick PS In fact our bot has the best play slotting the 5 and 4pt with a 3-1...that's illegal but I'm sure you meant to type something else that made sense.
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