BGonline.org Forums
Tournaments -- Attendance and More (Probably Much too Long)
Posted By: Henrik Bukkjaer In Response To: Tournaments -- Attendance and More (Probably Much too Long) (Kenny Nissen)
Date: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, at 12:20 a.m.
What Kenny said.
It's a pyramid, just like poker. In order to go high, you have to build on a broad and stable foundation.
Comparing tournament backgammon in the US (ABT) to that of Denmark/Nordics, I think the biggest difference is distance and density of playing population. That means travelling and thus expenses and hotel nights away from family, etc.
I've never attended an ABT event, but I suppose you have a high number of the players "travelling in" for the event, compared to what we have here in Denmark.
If that's true, and you need to grow attendance, you should probably look for more "local" attendance for each event (I know, it's not the "tour" concept, but it's needed). Attracting more locals/newcomers will have several effects: First of all, the attendance will improve at all events, making it all more worthwhile and interesting for participants, organizers and sponsors alike. Some of the locals will get so hooked on what they see and at some point in the future move from local to touring. More locals equal more action for the touring players, making it more interesting to travel for an event. Sort of like getting more sharks by putting out more fish.
Regarding Strato's idea, I was thinking exactly the same as Bob. Why the heck would a "must cash in at least 5 events" forced sidepool, lure me into buying flight tickets for a US tournement? It might get some US players to go for one more event at the end of the season, if they are close to getting anything from this sidepool, but players who are currently considering if they should travel to one or two events, instead of zero (the majority of the potential population as I understand) would just see this as an additional expense. However, could you get the prizepool for such a master tournament sponsored, it would look much more attractive, while not putting anyone off.
Instead of stating a minimum number of event, make it "your best 3 results". That way, a LOT more players will have a shot, even late in the season!
In regards to attracting new players, everyone have different ideas of what they want. So don't go for the "silver bullet" formula, and shoot that all the time, mix it up. Especially when doing tournaments below the ABT level (or sideevents at these), all the local stuff. Vary the sideevents: Teams, doubles, consultation doubles, etc. Beginners focus at some tours, for recruitement (make sure there's a local club infrastructure in place to pick the fruits).
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