BGonline.org Forums
Tournaments -- Attendance and More (Probably Much too Long)
Posted By: Henrik Bukkjaer In Response To: Tournaments -- Attendance and More (Probably Much too Long) (Jason Lee)
Date: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, at 1:08 a.m.
When DBgF was at the top of the hill, this was the reason. Even though the geographical scale is different from the US one.
We had a country-wide tournament for beginners and experts alike. VERY low buy-in ($4), played at 200-something local cafe's and venues for 5 weeks in a row, one flight, all matches to 5 points, great sponsored prices (at each venue and for the grand finale).
All the local winners (filled up to 256 people by adding the best runner ups), went to a full day finale in Copenhagen, 3 meals and drinks complementary, first 3 places won trips and entries for World Championships in Monte Carlo (Champ, Interm, Beginners).
Now - for our small country, participation was a few thousands for this tournament if I recall correctly. Half of which would never ever go on to play tournament backgammon on a consistent basis. But it simply was a showcase for backgammon, and a lot of the newcomers got hooked. All the local winners for sure, would play on in other tournaments after this success. It was what really pulled in the members. We never had 3000 players in a "real" tournament with a $100 entry, but we had it in this event, and thus, we got 1000+ individual entries in the team leagues, and approx. 400 (Danish) entries at events like Nordic Open and Danish Championships.
DBgF has shrunk year to year ever since this tournament was cancelled. We've kept a relatively high number of members, but the intake of new is very small.
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