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I've got the world at my feet

Posted By: Matt Cohn-Geier
Date: Thursday, 14 June 2012, at 10:36 a.m.

In Response To: 54S-42P-32 — Summary & Analysis (Taper_Mike)

In the post cited above, Matt asks, “[Why is s = split (24/22 13/10)] so close behind? Why is it so much better than 20/18 13/10?”

Five years downstream, Matt is better qualified to answer than I am, but nevertheless, here is my take:

Seems about right. I don't have anything to add there.

Another question Matt asks is, “Why on Earth is 13/11 13/10 so bad? I understand why it would be behind plays like 13/8 and 20/15, but it’s also behind 13/11 8/5, which leaves a direct, slots while split, and duplicates nothing.” Good question. Any takers out there?

Basically, playing two down strips the midpoint, fails to unstack the 8 point, and leaves a bunch of blots scattered around. Blue's position isn't fluid. If he gets hit (likely), he will have a tremendous cleanup effort to do. 13/11 8/5, by contrast, doesn't strip the mid and unstacks the 8 point. Now if Blue gets hit on the 20 point, he will have a number of rolls which hit back and make the 5 point at the same time. If he gets hit on the 5 point, he can still anchor on the 20 point. The only real bad swings against him are when White rolls 64 43 41 and double hits.

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