BGonline.org Forums
Daily Quiz Info
Posted By: Timothy Chow In Response To: Daily Quiz Info (Stick)
Date: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, at 3:44 p.m.
The first suggestion I have is that you make a sharp transition from "old style" to "new style." What I mean is this: You said you would continue the Daily Quiz Recaps until everyone's paid subscription ran out. However, I don't think you've stated what date that would be. So the first thing I'd recommend is, state clearly the date when the "old style" Daily Quizzes/Recaps terminate, and keep using the old format until that date. That's what you advertised initially when people paid, so you should stick to what you advertised.
Once you pass that termination date, you're free to make major changes if you like. For instance, let's say you switch to one problem a day (which I think is a good idea). You are now free to do a detailed analysis of just one problem a week. Under the old system, this would feel like short-changing your subscribers, but under a new system you can make whatever rules you want. Analyzing just one problem a week has several advantages. The first and biggest is that you might actually be able to keep up with your stated schedule, instead of falling hopelessly behind. The second is that you'll address the problem you mentioned, of not being able to discard 80% of your material as duds.
Responding to Jason, I'm with Stick on this one. I have some idea of what problems are hard for people, but I'm often wrong. Heck, reviewing my own games after some delay, I'm often surprised by some of the seemingly trivial decisions I got wrong, and some of the difficult decisions I got right! If I don't even understand my own strengths and weaknesses, how much less will I understand others'?
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