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I do not like Baffle boxes but this one might win me over...

Posted By: Colin Owen
Date: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, at 11:18 a.m.

In Response To: I do not like Baffle boxes but this one might win me over... (Bill Riles)

Baffle boxes may be non-standard for you, but I can assure you that they're absolutely standard for me! (In my private games, anyway.)

Of course, tournaments are few and far between (at present) where you can insist upon their use, or even require a roll-off for it. That, combined with the generally vague rules on the definition of a random roll, and some players blatant disregarding of even these nebulous requirements, is why I personally stayed away from the tournament scene for years.

I feel that using a baffle box for ones' own rolls kind of raises the bar for some players. They see you shaking your dice, properly and thoroughly in a lipped cup, not looking in the cup, not touching the dice with your hand AND THEN tossing them into a baffle box! Some of those players may feel that they should up their own game a bit regarding the transparency of their actions.

Using a baffle box for ones' own rolls gives some protection against our opponents possible claims that our roll was not properly random, like if we forget to shake our dice for example. And some players just prefer rolling this way. I'm sorry you seem to feel that allowing a player, without a physical impairment, to take their own rolls through a baffle box is the thin end of the wedge.

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