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All in One (long)

Posted By: David Wells
Date: Wednesday, 27 June 2012, at 9:53 p.m.

In Response To: All in One (long) (Stick)

Imagine you are playing somebody online who plays nearly perfectly . Playing for small but not insignificant stakes. I check the error rate and think that this player must be the best in the world or maybe (as was suggested by skeptics) they got help from a bot. I realize of course you must quit this person until further notice. I only go to perhaps 1 to 2 tournaments a year. A few months go by and you see Mr stick . He does not mention the 600. Aha! This certainly backups the notion that he cheated me. I wait for him to ask wanting to see if i can get a read .He never asks. We both know we played fantastically well. Feeling a bit steamed i say nothing to him. I am of course not certain but now I think its more likely than not that i was cheated. A few months later . I see him at another tournament. He still says nothing. This helps confirm my suspicions. Nordic open I am hanging out with Sander. He tells me he played stick . Stick lost. Stick never contacted Sander. Sander owes me a few thousand. I believe i still owe Stick the money in spite of my suspicions . I suggest to Sander we can x it out. He of course likes that idea. In the back of my mind i know this is a bit sneaky and i need to contact stick( i never do). It is unfortunate that Stick is unwilling or incapable of proving he can play as well live as he can play online for money or reputation.

If stick wants to play a money session live it could be great fun. Supporters can line up on both sides. Stick will not play me live therefore i will always suspect i was cheated.


Imagine you are playing somebody online who plays nearly perfectly . Playing for small but not insignificant stakes. I check the error rate and think that this player must be the best in the world or maybe (as was suggested by skeptics) they got help from a bot. I realize of course you must quit this person until further notice. I only go to perhaps 1 to 2 tournaments a year. A few months go by and you see Mr stick . He does not mention the 600. Aha! This certainly backups the notion that he cheated me. I wait for him to ask wanting to see if i can get a read .He never asks. We both know we played fantastically well. Feeling a bit steamed i say nothing to him. I am of course not certain but now I think its more likely than not that i was cheated. A few months later . I see him at another tournament. He still says nothing. This helps confirm my suspicions. Nordic open I am hanging out with Sander. He tells me he played stick . Stick lost. Stick never contacted Sander. Sander owes me a few thousand. I believe i still owe Stick the money in spite of my suspicions . I suggest to Sander we can x it out. He of course likes that idea. In the back of my mind i know this is a bit sneaky and i need to contact stick( i never do). It is unfortunate that Stick is unwilling or incapable of proving he can play as well live as he can play online for money or reputation.

One of the beautiful things about playing backgammon for money is it is a true meritocracy

If stick wants to play a money session live it could be great fun. Supporters can line up on both sides. Stick will not play me live therefore i will always suspect i was cheated.


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