BGonline.org Forums
41S-32 - my RO
Posted By: David Rockwell In Response To: 41S-32 (KenB)
Date: Wednesday, 8 August 2012, at 1:31 a.m.
I note that my rollout and Ken's agree almost exactly for S, but differ by .0021 for Z. Would someone be willing to do this again at 4 ply to see which result is matched?
White is Black
score: 0
pip: 162Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaverpip: 167
score: 0
Blue is WhiteXGID=-aa---E-C---dE--ac-e----B-:0:0:1:32:0:0:3:0:10 Blue to play 32
1. Rollout1 24/21 13/11 eq: -0.1604
Opponent:46.65% (G:12.23% B:0.54%)
53.35% (G:16.69% B:0.77%)Conf.: ±0.0017 (-0.1621...-0.1587) - [65.5%]
Duration: 7 days 09 hours 54 minutes2. Rollout1 24/22 13/10 eq: -0.1609 (-0.0005)
Opponent:46.57% (G:12.66% B:0.57%)
53.43% (G:16.98% B:0.78%)Conf.: ±0.0017 (-0.1627...-0.1592) - [34.5%]
Duration: 7 days 01 hour 13 minutes3. Rollout2 13/11 13/10 eq: -0.1824 (-0.0219)
Opponent:45.92% (G:13.23% B:0.60%)
54.08% (G:17.15% B:1.08%)Conf.: ±0.0028 (-0.1851...-0.1796) - [0.0%]
Duration: 3 days 14 hours 24 minutes1 72576 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 37808781
Moves and cube decisions: 4-ply
2 31104 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 37808781
Moves and cube decisions: 4-plyeXtreme Gammon Version: 2.03
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