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Tell me your Logic...
Posted By: Timothy Chow In Response To: Tell me your Logic... (__1ERROR1__)
Date: Thursday, 31 January 2013, at 6:18 p.m.
In the first position I think that hitting loses too many gammons so I'd just build my board with 8/7 6/4 or maybe 6/3. QF suggests the hit so maybe I'll learn something.
In the second position 22/10 looks clear and there's some question whether to play 22/10 with the remaining two 6's or to play 13/7*(2). Owning the cube I think 22/10(2) should be much better than hitting. It will win more games and we can creep up on an efficient cube. If the cube were turned then we might have to think about gammons but even then I think 22/10(2) wins so much more that it will be better.
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