BGonline.org Forums
DQ: The safe is better than the bold
Posted By: Chase In Response To: DQ: The safe is better than the bold (Timothy Chow)
Date: Sunday, 24 February 2013, at 12:39 a.m.
While Magriel's criteria are extremely valuable, I generally don't start my assessment of a position by using them. I start by trying to look at the main features of the position and what my main problems and goals are. Then Magriel's criteria can help me decide between candidate plays. After all, "bold" doesn't just mean leaving shots willy-nilly. It means making a play that furthers your goals in spite of leaving extra shots. To assess boldness you therefore need to know what your goals are first.
Good stuff, this paragraph. I read it three times in hopes that it will stick with me.
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