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Denmark vs. World
Posted By: christian munk-christensen In Response To: Denmark vs. World (Henrik Bukkjaer)
Date: Monday, 1 April 2013, at 12:44 p.m.
The initial world class analysis gave PRs of 1,18 for Dk and 1,12 for the world.
Extremely high quality play for such a long, complex match which included lopsided scores and many interesting plays.
There were many plays where the Danish team did not agree on the plays and we had to explain, discuss and vote for the best play. Some of the votes would be tied and then it was a matter of how sure were the voters about their plays. As it turned out we managed to pick the right play in most of the situations.
During the match we even made several bets about which plays were correct within the Danish team. Gus Hansen was involved in most of the bets, including a 55 in one of the later games which really caused a long discussion in the Danish team.
We started the consultation match with 1 hour of clock time in the bank, and 15 seconds per turn. When the match was over we were down to like 30 seconds. Prior to the match we didn't really think that we'd be even close to using all our bank time but we had so many decisions and the match went all the way so we ended up needing every second.
The world team begun the final team consultation leading 4-1/15. They quickly scored the first 8 points for a 12-1/15 lead. Then we changed captain and Gus showed that his rolling arm was hot.
It all ended in a DMP which got down to the final roll with the world team requiring a double 2 or higher to win. As it turned out they didn't get it and the Danish team won match for the 3rd time out of the 4 years where the event has been played.
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