Ask and ye shall receive. It's not close. running makes an ugly stack, but escaping both checkers and opening up a commanding race lead is not to be sneezed at.
1. | Rollout1 | 24/13 | eq: +0.323 |
| Player: Opponent: | 58.84% (G:6.53% B:0.20%) 41.16% (G:5.58% B:0.14%) | Conf.: ± 0.011 (+0.312...+0.335) - [100.0%] Duration: 28 minutes 46 seconds |
2. | Rollout1 | 13/7* 6/1* | eq: +0.223 (-0.100) |
| Player: Opponent: | 55.00% (G:16.73% B:0.60%) 45.00% (G:11.63% B:0.41%) | Conf.: ± 0.014 (+0.209...+0.237) - [0.0%] Duration: 27 minutes 29 seconds |
3. | XG Roller++ | 13/8 13/7* | eq: +0.191 (-0.132) |
| Player: Opponent: | 54.30% (G:14.67% B:0.71%) 45.70% (G:10.76% B:0.41%) | |
4. | XG Roller++ | 24/18 13/8 | eq: +0.042 (-0.282) |
| Player: Opponent: | 51.38% (G:11.45% B:0.50%) 48.62% (G:11.68% B:0.35%) | |
5. | XG Roller++ | 13/7* 7/2 | eq: -0.003 (-0.327) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.89% (G:12.91% B:0.55%) 50.11% (G:13.44% B:0.51%) | |
1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller