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This should be a simple software fix

Posted By: neilkaz
Date: Monday, 13 May 2013, at 4:47 p.m.

In Response To: Under-resigning and the PAF Backgammon London Open Online 2013 (stw672)

If it is possible to lose a gammon, you can't resign a single game.

If it is possible to lose a BG, you can't resign less.

When is it not possible to lose a G? When both sides have checkers borne off!

This should be hard to program.

When is it not possible to lose a BG (assuming you can lose a G). When neither side has checkers in their opp's home board and when there's no contact (noting it is possible to be hit and then BG'd). (Of course, if you can't lose a G, you can't lose a BG).

Simple enough.

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