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Another variant
Posted By: Timothy Chow In Response To: 14 off and 1 on the Roof 3-ply XG2 Rollout & Analysis (Taper_Mike)
Date: Thursday, 16 May 2013, at 5:52 p.m.
This has been an interesting thread. I've looked at this kind of position before to some extent and while I came to similar conclusions, I seem to recall that there were more exceptions to the "keep as many points as possible" rule than the discussion so far has suggested. For example, in the position below I believe it's better to play 6/3 5/off than to keep a closed board with 6/1 4/1.
Money Game
Blue to play 53White 25
XGID=aBBBCBC-------------------:1:1:1:53:0:0:0:0:10However, even in the above position, keeping a closed board is close, so I think I should give a little more weight to keeping the maximum number of points than I have in the past.
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