BGonline.org Forums
Practical Part
Posted By: Daniel Murphy In Response To: Practical Part (Chiva Tafazzoli)
Date: Friday, 17 May 2013, at 5:26 p.m.
Awarding the sit-out to the bottom players with less lives remaining (and protecting him from being out), will extend the number of rounds and dramatically change the schedule....
Chiva, I don't think the effect if any can be "dramatic," although I'd welcome a demonstration. In the second round, you'd be giving a bye to a player with an 0-2 record; in the third round, 1-2; in the fourth round, 2-2; in the fifth round 3-2, etc., -- instead of to a player with a 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, (probably) 4-0, and (probably) 5-0 record. You'd be awarding at most only one bye per round. I don't think that should "dramatically" increase the number of rounds necessary. Especially since a player with a losing record is more likely to be a losing player, and more likely to eliminate himself soon anyway -- conversely, by awarding the bye to a player who has a winning record, and is more likely to be a winning player, you take him out of the next round, and thus has no chance of handing an opponent another loss.
I have a lot of experience with Danish modified Swiss tournaments, which were usually nine or eleven 9-point matches in two days, and where (1) players with like records were paired, and (2) the bye went to the player with the worst record. The main reason for (1) is, I think, so that players who happen to reach the later rounds of the tournament have, as much as possible, met similar competition (which seems "fair" to me). And the main reason for (2) is to avoid as much as possible that byes favor one or more of the players who are most likely to be in contention for prizes -- and so the byes instead go to players who are most likely to be eliminated early from contention even with the aid of a bye. I think these are good reasons, and I don't see anything in this discussion that persuades me that (1) random pairings and (2) awarding the bye to the player with the best record is better.
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