BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: Keene In Response To: BGO vs. RBG (Michael Petch)
Date: Monday, 15 July 2013, at 3:16 p.m.
MP: I actually don't know Tim's motivation to not post here but I could make a guess. Yes, I do remember the last thread he was involved in, only because it was one of a computer/technical nature.
I also recall that thread, and I was personally a little bit mean to TC, but that I think was taken the wrong way by him - I was just poking fun in general. It has to be said that if you are going to butt heads with the big boys here at bgo, then you should be wearing your big boy pants. Personally, I come under a whole lot of ridicule here (I'm not shocked), and Stick will call me out from time to time too, but I dont mind it. I'm not afraid to post my opinions on positions, however wrong they may be, and I'm certainly not afraid of responses from the resident giants. Occasionally, I get them right too.
I believe that the more questions that get asked here, the better for the population in general. Even the more 'stupid' questions generally inspire a whole lot of discussion. Personally, I dont believe there is a 'stupid' question. There should be more of them.
Challenging what we know is how we grow. This game is ever changing, and I look forward to each new post on here.
On the 'NEXT' phenom, I was also at Kit's site when that started - it may have been Neil that kicked it off, I dont recall. I do wish that Stick would 'next' less of them to begin with (here), but he almost always (95%+) explains himself later on, which is really good. Its almost like when he says 'Next', you know he has the answer, which is good.
TC, so long as he is posting somewhere is doing good for backgammon, period.
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