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Bearoff position, cubeful
Posted By: ah_clem In Response To: Bearoff position, cubeful (Daniel Murphy)
Date: Saturday, 14 September 2013, at 2:32 p.m.
The 5 is forced, and then it's a question of taking another checker off or hitting. I hit in these situations, figuring that white has the same number of shots either way, but after hitting anytime she rolls a 5 or 6 without rolling a 2 she is forced to break contact. If I don't hit she can sit on the deuce and annoy me.
The other factor is that after 5/off blue will have an even number of checkers remaining so another checker off will not save that many rolls. It will be interesting to see a rollout with one more checker already off to see if that changes things.
In favor of 5/off 3/off, it will be easier to clean up, but 16/36 times there is nothing to clean up as white is out of there.
My take is that 5/off 5/2* wins more games and more gammons and is the best play. QF says otherwise, but I try not to be swayed by QF.
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