BGonline.org Forums
Fear factor
Posted By: Rod In Response To: Rollout Result, Voluntary Sextuple Shot (Paul Weaver)
Date: Saturday, 28 September 2013, at 1:46 p.m.
When I saw this position and noticed the 110+ pipcount difference I thought slotting might be correct, which really just left one reasonable 3 to play - down. We need time.
Ultimately I couldn't decide between the blunder and the ugly-seeming play. There's a fear factor when playing against backgames - "what if the worst happens - our opponent picks up every checker, we roll several bad numbers, get primed…?". We all know that our timing coming in against this monster is terrible. We all know we need to recycle checkers. But there's the question of how ugly looking do we go. This one was so ugly-seeming I just couldn't commit. It was/is a silly fear against this backgame, especially with just the one-point board to come in against.
Extending the prime is a very human play. Making the ugly-seeming play should be just as human. We should easily evaluate this position as: not enough time, need to gain time, one point board on the other side, perfect time as opponent should want us to try to come in against this monster as is.
We've all been conditioned to leave fewer blots, typically. Also the reason that early bots couldn't play backgames, in part. We should be able to do better than those early bots - we know more now.
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