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othello quiz 2013
Posted By: smcrtorchs In Response To: othello quiz 2013 (othello)
Date: Tuesday, 15 October 2013, at 6:37 p.m.
Thanx for the quiz. I really love all of them.
Last year I had just 1 correct answer after examining the positions for more than 2 hours. So trying again this year, I feel like I have almost nothing to lose. After all, I decided much quicker this time so I am already on the positive side :)
No1. 4/1 I considered this option only because of QF. But I know that the value of the ace point gets higher as the blitz gets more and more advanced. The same happens with the value of putting a second checker on the bar. No other play improves the position of black as much as putting the second checker on the bar. Black would hate it if white anchors here.
No.2 My OTB play here would be 8/3 6/4. Black needs board points and to develop his tall stacks. Getting hit should not have a high cost here. However this play looks too clear to me and this 99% means that I am wrong :(
No.3 This is driving me cRRRazy so far. After looking at too many candidates, I decided to hit on the ace. White has too many things to do next turn and hitting will steal half of his roll. My play is bar/23 2/1* (2). This diversifies very well black's numbers next turn, but also very importantly black is now ready to escape his back checker next turn with a 6, if white does not hit. This would not be my OTB play.
No.4 I considered 6/4, 8/6, 10/8 and 20/18. Clearly I prefer 20/18 after a 2 ply analysis.
No.5 21/15 6/4. This play looks too clear to me as well :(
No.6 24/22 6/5 is my play. QF made me think of 6/5 6/4. The stack on the 6 needs developing. So 6/5 is clear for me. But 24/22 is an excellent candidate and improves black's position by quite a considerable amount. Could 6/4 beat this? No idea, but I will not try it. Making the 5 point should also not be able to trump 24/22 as it unmakes the 7 point which is also quite valuable here.
No.7 A priming game plan is out of the question. An attacking play here could serve black in many ways. A) He might escape while white is on the bar. B) He might make an advanced anchor. C) White will have difficulty progressing. D) Black might win a gammon
So... 8/3* 6/1*. I feel like this is my most daring play so far, but I will stick with it and fall proudly if the rollout sends me one more time to Burger King.
No.8 I am almost sure that I have not spot the correct candidate here. I can see that black can play 5/4 and the aces will be triplicated already. I can see that he can play 13/8 after, but I still believe that I have not spot the correct candidate. Anyway, I am moving on and my play is 13/8 5/4.
No.9 This is driving me completely cRRRRRRRRazy. At the end, I decided to go with 22/18 5/3. Black should be afraid only of his own very bad sequences or white's very good sequences. So 22/18 is to make sure that he will not roll only ones twos and threes next turns, plus hitting should win a few more gammons. Getting hit once should not worry black, as most of the times he will be able to recirculate that checker without problems. Therefore, I believe that 5/3 becomes a priority for black to make sure that white does not anchor on the 3 pt.
No.10 8/4 this has to be. You do not want white to be able to enter on the 4 point for multiple rolls later, so no 4/1 for me here. 8/4 might leave 2 more shots, but has various small advantages over 7/6 7/4 and more importantly, it would not allow white to escape with a 6 shall white roll that dreaded 1.
Thanx a lot again for the positions. Last year I said that if I managed a score of 5/10 I would be very happy. I will say the same this year and if necessary, I will repeat the same for the years to come.
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