BGonline.org Forums
falafel dont retire fom tournament bg
Posted By: falafel In Response To: falafel dont retire fom tournament bg (ed olaughlin)
Date: Thursday, 31 October 2013, at 2:35 a.m.
Let me start by saying tx to all of u for ur kind words as it concerns me.right now im working on some projects in my personal life which keep me busy.as far as bg goes i find the idea of teaching and promoting bg as abetter way to go for myself instead of playing tournament bg.i do plan on showin up in atleast 2 events next year,and i will always enjoy playing.aside from that,i really enjoy seein the old faces time and again and seein new faces is always exciting!.i may compete in some events in the future only if i feel that in some way my participation helps in the promotion of the game.rest assured,i will still be around so no worries.i appreciate the fact that there are plenty of people in bg who simply care,always knew how special it is. before i conclude i wanted to touch again on the subject of "rules".i saw some of the responses and it was quite disappointing.the rules are there to simply help guide as.why is it that many players choose to complicate?.in conneticut the claim the Herb made is an outright mockery.lets just call it for what it is without prejudice.we and i say we all know what truely happened,ok?.lets think about this rationally now,cause it sure makes no sense to me.what happened in this case is so so obvious and clear,who the hell needs a"ruling" for this?are we that naive?how about stupid?.what if anew player comes and this happens to him or her,what would they think?.do we care that we just let aplayer lose in this fashion?is this what bg is all about?.basically there is no need to have aruling on cases like these,i can say that with certainty.i hope that all TDs take this to heart and use proper discretion in solving future disputes,some things are simply too obvious,yes!.
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