BGonline.org Forums
Proposed Ranking System -Update
Posted By: Barry Silliman In Response To: Proposed Ranking System -Update (roadkillbooks)
Date: Sunday, 1 December 2013, at 1:37 p.m.
One problem I see with adding jackpots to the mix is that one of the primary purposes of the ranking system is to reduce or eliminate sandbagging between ABT divisions, and since in most tournaments the Amateur Jackpot is often a mix of Open and Advanced players, factoring in results in those events may 'pollute' the data.
Also, some "bubble" players use the extra cost of Open vs Advanced as a reason for preferring to play in Advanced. If we consider that the Masters Jackpots are usually the most expensive event, allowing those events into the mix puts those without deep pockets at a further disadvantage.
One of Ken's ideas is having entry fees for Advanced and Open be set the same, and reasonably low, with higher payout percentages and perhaps higher side pools at Open vs. Advanced. This could encourage more participation in the ABT events for those without deep pockets, such as students, and it could also potentially drive increased Jackpot participation as those junkies who just have to get some higher action than a presumably low-fee main event offers will want to enter the higher-priced Jackpots.
The ranking system could be used to determine jackpot eligibility but I kind of like the idea of keeping jackpots out of the ranking system.
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