BGonline.org Forums
Proposed Ranking System -Update
Posted By: Seth In Response To: Proposed Ranking System -Update (Ken Larsen)
Date: Monday, 2 December 2013, at 6:44 p.m.
Rod had a great year according to these stats.I still don't think he's a stronger player than Falafel, Stick, Mochy, etc? I am a member of Rod's backgammon meetup in New York City. I had the highest elo rating in this group for several years.( so, they did away with those stats-lol) I have beaten Rich Munitz and Rod Covlin in several matches. Nonetheless, I would still consider Rich a stronger backgammon player than me. Rod, now that's another story-lol. I had the highest win pct.,but, it doesn't meam I'm the best player. I don't know what stat is good for backgammon ratings.
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