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World-Class Players Not On Stick's List
Posted By: Paul Weaver In Response To: World-Class Players Not On Stick's List (Stick)
Date: Tuesday, 17 December 2013, at 7:49 p.m.
There is only one person on your list who probably does not belong. Although he has had great tournament results lately, he probably plays on the high side of 4.5. In spite of this, your list is very reasonable. There are no 8 or 9 weaklings on your list. When there are more than 40 players on the planet who play with a PR under 4.0, it is hard for me to see how a 4.5 or 5.0 deserves to be on the top-32 list.
However, on the most recent Giants' list, there were a few (perhaps three) who made the top-64 list but play worse than an 8 PR. These three all show up at a lot of tournaments and occasionally cash. It seriously diminishes the credibility of the list when Eight, Ten, and Twelve appear as top-64 players, while some active players better than 4.0 (or even 3.5) are nowhere to be found on the top-64 List. The problems with the list are not confined to these three; they are just the more glaring examples.
How can such mediocre players make the list? It happens because many voters are totally clueless and/or they vote for their friends. It is too much to ask for when you expect a player who is not in the top 100 (unless his name is Iancho) to cast a reasonable ballot for the top 32.
Yamin Yamin is the gentleman who started the Giants' list twenty years ago and he makes the rules. I believe Yamin plays in very few international tournaments; indeed, I believe he plays in very few tournaments outside Illinois. He probably does not know lots of players who have made the top-64 list. He probably does not realize that some people not among the top 200 or 300 players are on his top-64 list. Yamin is a very nice guy, but he may be totally out of touch with the international BG scene. I doubt if Yamin realizes how far removed from reality his top-64 list is. Maybe someone should tell him. Maybe I will send him an email in which I include this post.
A more accurate list could be produced by the following process: After adding up the ballots, do another list that is produced by counting only the ballots of the top 32 (or top 16) of the first list. This process would eliminate the 8+ PR players from the top-64 list and it might also exclude most who play over 4.5 from the top-32 list.
Jake said they tried this one time and it made little difference. However, he was referring to the top-32 list not to the top 64. I agree with Jake that this would probably make little difference in the top 32, but it would definitely make a big difference in the top 64.
Before resigning as president of the USBGF, Perry had some great ideas for producing a much more accurate list. I hope the new president Bill Riles will execute Perry's plan.
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