BGonline.org Forums
An interactive backgammon training website.
Posted By: Mislav Kovacic In Response To: An interactive backgammon training website. (Giorgos Tzampanakis)
Date: Thursday, 2 January 2014, at 3:22 a.m.
Thanks for taking your time to develop this website. I can definitely see the potential but here are some of my initial remarks (or constructive criticism): - There are too many problems where the correct move is almost forced or automatic. I think it's good to have a mixture of obvious and non-obvious positions to eliminate the QF, but currently there are too many obvious positions. Maybe there needs to be some kind of human selection after your computer generates the positions, before they are added to the site. Or it might be good if people had the option of rating (from 1 to 5) the quality and the difficulty of each problem after they have solved it. It would help eliminate the weak problems.
- Expert settings in GNU is not good enough. I think this means 0-ply, please correct me if I'm wrong. You should be using at least world class or supremo 2-ply for both checker and cube. But even that is inferior to XG's analysis.
- I don't see the point in having a leaders list. Since there is no time limit, people can take as much time as they want, and some will surely be tempted to look up the answer with the bot. I've seen similar chess websites where you actually have time limit and the faster you solve, the more points you get. After let's say 30 seconds or whatever the points start going into negative, so it's much harder to cheat that way. So leaders list would only make sense to me if there was a time limit and no position ID. I guess that's probably not easy to implement so I would just keep it as it is and would remove the leaders list completely. You can of course have individual statistics for every user which only they can see, and also some kind of comparison with the other solvers - I just wouldn't make it public.
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