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prize money

Posted By: TarHeelFan
Date: Saturday, 22 March 2014, at 3:47 p.m.

In Response To: prize money (kd)

Can't speak to those, but most ABT tourney follow the ABT points formula. From the ChicagoPoint website:

“Standardized” Point Factors

A 1st place win is always worth exactly double that of a 2nd place win. A 2nd place win is worth exactly double that of a semifinal finish. For example, a double-elimination tournament paying 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th/5th (tie) would base calculations on the following “Standardized” point factors: 8, 4, 2, 1, and 1

2nd place in the Main Flight is always worth the same as 1st place in the next flight down. This means that 1st Consolation always receives the same portion as 2nd Main Flight, and 1st Last Chance (in a 3-flight tournament) always receives the same portion as 2nd Consolation. The smallest payout is always awarded 1 “standardized” point. The rest of the awards are determined by working backwards towards the 1st Main Flight winner.

"More Swiss" Point Factor Calculation

In 2012, Richard Munitz, in conjunction with ABT directors and others, formulated a method of calculating master points for the "More Swiss" format. The point factors for up to 8 payouts (in order of finish) are established as:

32, 20, 13, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4

If more payout factors are needed, they are calculated as 32/N where N is the payout number. Thus the ninth payout would be 32/9, the tenth payout would be 32/10, etc.

In the event of ties at the end of the tournament, the involved factors are added and divided by the number of players tied. For example, with a three-way tie for second place, each tying player's factor would be (20+13+9)/3 = 14.

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