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I am wondering how this position was reached...
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: I am wondering how this position was reached, but I'm also not sure I want to know (HOMINID)
Date: Thursday, 27 March 2014, at 12:36 a.m.
"Maybe it was cos a couple of humans were involved!!"
No doubt, I would be the human making the biggest screw-ups.
Actually, there are so few errors in the retro-sequence Nack created, you could argue that it was not the result of play between humans! Just for kicks, I entered it into XG as a no-Jacoby/no-beavers game, and ran an XGR++ analysis. The resulting PRs were: White 0.61, Blue 0.21. XG has both players rated as World Champs.
Nack strives to keep the EMG equity errors in his retro sequences below 0.02 per move. The only “errors” here are the opening 63R (0.017) and the first 31H (0.005). I continue to be flabbergasted by Nack’s ability to reconstruct a 22-move sequence given only the final position.
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