BGonline.org Forums
Tough 32
Posted By: Timothy Chow In Response To: Tough 32 (Stick)
Date: Sunday, 27 April 2014, at 7:35 p.m.
I'll grant you that it's always good to learn how to spot unusual candidates in difficult positions. My point, though, is that this kind of play seems so rare that if I never learn to see it, I don't think it will affect my game in the slightest. Contrast with, say, banana splits or so-called Bagai plays. They are relatively rare but they still come up much more often than the 5pt->2pt switch or even the 5pt->3pt switch, and the equity difference can be ginormous. So their practical importance is clear. The practical importance of the present position is not so clear (to me anyway).
Also I'm not convinced by your analysis of this particular position, in light of Nack's variants. 5/2 is not a "decent" three; it's an indecent three, and there has to be enough tactical compensation for such a strategically odd move to be playable. If I start training myself to look for opportunities to make such a move, I'll be wasting a lot of effort and possibly playing worse than before.
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