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OLM 20140425B The Dilly Builders ROLLOUT AtS
Posted By: ah_clem In Response To: OLM 20140425B The Dilly Builders (ah_clem)
Date: Monday, 28 April 2014, at 12:51 p.m.
And here's a full rollout of 1296 trials. S is ahead at the 65% confidence level. Since this disagrees with the XG book, I'll throw some more cycles at it.
White is Player 2
score: 4
pip: 1679 point match pip: 167
score: 2
Blue is Player 1XGID=-b----E-C---eE---c-e----B-:0:0:1:54:2:4:0:9:10 Blue to play 54
1. Rollout1 24/20 13/8 eq: +0.115
Opponent:50.54% (G:13.87% B:0.74%)
49.46% (G:13.55% B:0.60%)Conf.: ± 0.015 (+0.101...+0.130) - [64.5%]
Duration: 9 minutes 06 seconds2. Rollout1 13/9 13/8 eq: +0.111 (-0.004)
Opponent:50.11% (G:15.50% B:0.74%)
49.89% (G:13.93% B:0.96%)Conf.: ± 0.016 (+0.095...+0.127) - [35.5%]
Duration: 8 minutes 52 seconds1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG RollereXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2
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