BGonline.org Forums
Time penalty vs. Point penalty
Posted By: Matt Cohn-Geier In Response To: Time penalty vs. Point penalty (Chiva Tafazzoli)
Date: Thursday, 29 May 2014, at 7:16 p.m.
Starting the opponent's clock insures that that time is spent. Someone can still spend the full 18 minutes and 12 seconds per move on a match by playing slow even if they are down 0-2, and maybe play out some 10+ games anyway. So starting the clock seems like a more natural solution and just as good or better for keeping the tournament on pace. That doesn't help with unclocked matches, but if one of the players is showing up 20 minutes late, the TD ought to use his discretion to say your match had better be played on a clock.
In Rory's tournament penalty points were assessed after 8 minutes, with each one 5 minutes after that. That means you would forfeit the match at 28 minutes. So starting the opponent's clock after 8 minutes seems like a reasonable solution--in that case you would forfeit the match at 26 minutes.
For a tournament like Las Vegas where matches are 15 points and the first penalty points are given after 15 minutes, forfeiture occurs after 50 minutes. How about starting the clock after 15 minutes, so that clock forfeiture occurs after 45 minutes? This doesn't seem more excessive than penalty points to me, and if you happen to show up 1 or 2 minutes late you still wouldn't get penalized. At the same time it also scales linearly and helps insure the tournament is on time.
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