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52S-63R-42 — Unlimited Games — 3-ply XG2 Rollout
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: 52S-63R-42 — Unlimited Games — 3-ply XG2 Rollout (Taper_Mike)
Date: Friday, 30 May 2014, at 4:40 a.m.
White is Player 2
score: 0
pip: 158Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaverpip: 160
score: 0
Blue is Player 1XGID=-a----E-D-a-eD---c-e--A-A-:0:0:1:42:0:0:3:0:10 52S-63R-42 [@ P7] "<=51
If we combine Mike's rollout result of [@ P5.6] "<=46 with Bob's [@ P22] "<=5, we get [@ P7.2] "<=51. That is, @ (anchor, 24/20 22/20) beats P (Point, 8/4 6/4) by about .007 (see caption above).
It's interesting that a 5k rollout could just as easily have resulted in [@ P8] as [P @22]. Thanks to Mike for the longer rollout.
Given how close this decision is for money/unlimited, we can deduce that Chuck showed good judgment playing P at the –9–6 score.
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