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gnubg redheaded step child?

Posted By: greedygammon
Date: Sunday, 8 June 2014, at 12:53 a.m.

In Response To: gnubg redheaded step child? (Stick)

When I say "greedy developer" its more of a dramatic symbolic caricature than a serious accusation. In a free economy pricing is based on supply and demand. Producers are free to charge whatever they feel their product is worth, and the purchasers are free to select the product that best fits their budget and purpose.

When Snowie was charging $380 and JF $189 most beginner bg players like myself, were priced out of the market. That doesnt mean the producers of those product did anything wrong. They were simply maximizing their profit. I accepted that and was happy to play the free version of JF which I did for many many hours. When free GnuBG was released and I was able to run my FIBS matches in the analyzer, I was in BG heaven and have always been deeply DEEPLY appreciative of this gift to the community. And I think it would be to the benefit of the BG community if we support encourage and nurture the development of GnuBG.

And let me be clear.. its not that I am so cheap I would resent having to pay a measly $49.95 for a program. I have donated HUNDREDS of $$ to developers of free products. Here are some..

Inno Setup- $200+ over the years Cyberduck FTP- $50 FreeFileSync - $20 (just last week cute little program i found useful) GutarBackingTrack.com-$100 Some kid playing drums-$100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2TY6kj8HRw And many more..

So you see its not really about the money..

Oh... and while we are on the subject of "open source" There is another program I would like to draw your attention to Mr pimp daddy of the bg forums... PHPBB3.X!!!! Yes, it's open source and FREE. :-) ANDIAMO!!

maareyes at greedygammon.com (email)
http://greedygammon.com (home )
http://greedygammon.com/support (support discussion FAQ)

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