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21$-55P-32O-65R-53P-54D-21 No Jacoby, No Beavers 3-ply XG2 Rollout
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: Who would see this play over the board? (phil simborg)
Date: Thursday, 12 June 2014, at 10:32 p.m.
White is Player 2
score: 0
pip: 127Unlimited Game pip: 151
score: 0
Blue is Player 1XGID=-a-B-BC-A--BbC--ad-e--b-B-:0:0:1:21:0:0:0:0:10 Blue to play 21
1. Rollout1 6/4 5/4 eq: -0.0009
Opponent:51.43% (G:14.30% B:0.58%)
48.57% (G:16.80% B:1.71%)Conf.: ±0.0063 (-0.0072...+0.0053) - [100.0%]
Duration: 41 minutes 36 seconds2. Rollout1 13/10 eq: -0.0402 (-0.0393)
Opponent:49.59% (G:13.55% B:0.50%)
50.41% (G:15.79% B:1.44%)Conf.: ±0.0060 (-0.0462...-0.0343) - [0.0%]
Duration: 36 minutes 22 seconds3. Rollout2 11/8 eq: -0.0553 (-0.0544)
Opponent:48.92% (G:13.44% B:0.50%)
51.08% (G:14.88% B:1.18%)Conf.: ±0.0068 (-0.0621...-0.0485) - [0.0%]
Duration: 23 minutes 35 seconds1 7776 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 55966683
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
2 5184 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 55966683
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
Rollout by Taper_Mike
eXtreme Gammon Version:
n[4 039 854] "<=7*5
n[4 032 842] "&eeXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10
21$-55P-32O-65R-53P-54D-21 — Unlimited Games Bot Seed Equity Nacbracs Link GnuBg 1.02 2-ply Trunc 716797341 55.177 n[4 027 828] '/0.360t Taper_Mike GnuBg 1.02 2-ply Trunc 716599599 55.101 n[4 021 828] '/0.360t Taper_Mike XG 2.10 3-ply, Cubes: XGR 55966683 0.9 n[4 039 854] "<=7*5 Taper_Mike (above) XG 2.10 XGR++ Eval [XGR++ seed] +1.5 n[4 032 842] "&e Taper_Mike
21$-55P-32O-65R-53P-54D-21 — According to Score Bot Seed Equity Nacbracs Link XG 2.19.206.pre-release 3-ply, Cubes: XGR, MET: Kazaross XG2 1 +2 55 [4 031] "<=1 Phil Simborg Key: 0 = Zero [13/10], 4 = Four [6/4, 5/4], 8 = Eight [11/8]
Nactation Tutorial Explanation of nacbracs Nacbracs for cube actions
What a great position! Thanks, Phil. I hope Tim will consider this one for inclusion in his best-of-the-year list.
Neil said it all, This is the right play due to tremendous dupe of 4s and 31 and most importantly, the made 11 pt. The only 4 that could not be used by the opponent to make either his 4pt or 5pt is 64. But that roll would allow him to make his 2pt, while nicely unstacking his 6pt and 8pt in the process. A roll of 44, of course, makes two points.
This position can be reached by either of the well-played sequences below:
21$-65R-32O-55P-53P-54D-21Although XGR++ and my GnuBg trunc agree 100% on the best play and the ranking of lesser plays, there is a significant difference in the absolute equities they assign. The 0.05 disparity in equity is one of the larger values I have seen in an early game position since the new neural nets were installed in GnuBg version 1.xx. As a double check, I reran the trunc using a different seed, but the result was just about the same.
Nactation: One could use upper case P to describe the switching play, 6/4 5/4, but many players would automatically think you mean the play that is properly nactated using lower case p, 11/8. One solution is to use numerals for both. While you are at it, you may as well use 0 = 13/10 for the second-best play instead of lower case d.
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