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Win by 2.

Posted By: phil simborg
Date: Saturday, 27 September 2014, at 3:18 p.m.

In Response To: Win by 2. (Bob Koca)

I love it. I think anything we do to make the game more skillful and exciting at the end of the match is an improvement. I still believe that Crawford should go into affect at 2away/2away and it remains Crawford from then on. Win by 2 also makes the game more interesting and exciting at the end of the match, and I also agree that as long as we have clocks, it will not delay the tournament. In fact, the longer the match goes with the clocks running down the more exciting (and skillful) the end of the match will be.

So, let's try it as a side event. How about 4 point matches, win by two, with 8 minutes on the clock and 16 second delays. I think increasing the delay slightly would be appropriate in something like this.

Great idea....love to try it. And I would love to learn more about the strategy...I think it could get very complex about knowing when to double and when to pass with this rule.

I know, I know, major changes to the game are condemned by most everyone, and people like us who suggest these ideas are vilified by people who say we must not really love the game if we keep looking for ways to change it. It's BECAUSE we love the game, and we recognize that times change (how can you not believe the computer has changed the game???) that we know we need to make some changes to keep making the game more exciting and interesting not only for the players but for the spectators.

Look at all this time and effort and money put into streaming...that's great...but have you noticed how few people are actually watching those matches? That's not to say they aren't valuable, as there are some who watch the YouTube matches later, but for me, I find it boring for the most part, and I know most others agree. What would not be boring? Watching the highlights...the last few games of a big match, with XG along side showing what should be played, and some knowledgeable and fun commentators (Falafel and Carter and the like) making their comments. And if that's what it takes to make the game more fun and interesting for me to watch...and I'm a serious, involved, long-time tournament player, what do you think we need to attract the less serious players to the game?

We need fun and new and exciting ideas, like winning by two, like Crawford from 2away on, like Nackgammon, like more shorter matches with more climatic moments (just like they broke up tennis matches into series of games with many deuce and game points along the way to make it more exciting).

Let's not be afraid of innovation. Let's encourage, even PUSH our tournament directors and organizers to try out these ideas, not just in side events, but in the main events.

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