BGonline.org Forums
Suggested Idea for Performance Grading
Posted By: Ian Dunstan In Response To: Suggested Idea for Performance Grading (Bob Koca)
Date: Saturday, 4 October 2014, at 8:55 a.m.
I believe he may be saying the following:
Thank you Bob. The blunders I am referring to are not your garden variety 0.10-0.15 ones, they are the larger ones that kick me often enough to tell me I know less about this game than I think I do.
It seems I am either not making my argument clearly, or it is invalid, or perhaps both. Anyway, I will let the 'consistency' angle die for now.
In principle, FWIW, I am on-board a recognition system as Rick suggests. Backgammon needs this I believe.
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