BGonline.org Forums
Is this where we should put our efforts?
Posted By: AdamStocks In Response To: Is this where we should put our efforts? (phil simborg)
Date: Sunday, 5 October 2014, at 8:37 a.m.
Most of the things you list ("...bringing more people into the game; giving the game more exposure; attracting sponsors; attracting school kids to the game; making tournaments more affordable, fun, and better attended; doing more international coordination...") are much the same things that this grading system will do. You may know who the best players are, but my granny doesn't. Imagine this conversation: Player: "Hi granny,I just became a grandmaster!" Granny: "Wow! That's great!" Or, Player: "Hi granny, I just made it into mochy's Under-4 club!" Granny: "What's that then ?" Player: "Well it's for players who can play with a PR of less than 4.00" Granny: "What's PR ?" Player: "Well it's...." You get the picture. Calling the player 'Grandmaster' seems like the obvious thing to do Phil.
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