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Will the real takepoint please stand up?

Posted By: Timothy Chow
Date: Monday, 6 October 2014, at 11:12 p.m.

In Response To: Will the real takepoint please stand up? (Bill Calton)

If you're just getting into the subject, then my recommendation would be to start by mastering the raw takepoint (or dead cube takepoint). This is fundamental. I'd say about half of the difference between money-game cubes and match-play cubes can be traced to the difference in raw take points.

The next step is to learn when the gammon price is higher or lower than usual.

I'd say that if you understood gammon prices and raw take points and were able to estimate gammons well OTB, then that would cover 90% of your match cubes. Adjustments for recube vig (i.e., anything more sophisticated than throwing in a few random percentage points for good luck) are only if you want to squeeze out the last 10%.

Most of my cube errors come because I just don't understand the position well at any score. Of the cubes that I get right for money but wrong ATS, it's usually because I badly misjudge the win/gammon tradeoff. The percentage of cube errors that are traceable to my inadequate understanding of recube vig is very small. But it is important to understand whether your raw takepoint is higher or lower than usual and whether the gammon price is higher or lower than usual, because otherwise you'll have no basis for improving your match cube handling.

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