BGonline.org Forums
I wish finals were on Safe Harbor
Posted By: Michael Petch In Response To: I wish finals were on Safety Harbor (Stick)
Date: Sunday, 23 November 2014, at 9:39 p.m.
Interesting about the crashing and no log. I've been on that site for years. As game state changes an MLX file is updated on the client of a player and an opponent. SHG could have saved it as an incomplete MAT file but they went with mangled version to deter cheating. You must complete a match to get the unmangled match log. Not sure what your definition of "crash" is but if you go back to a table and restore and complete the match in its entirety you should get a log. That is assuming you have match log turned on and the directory it is saving to has proper write permissions.
If you are playing and your opponent leaves the table before the end (crash or deliberate) and your opponent refuses to restart then you will be SOL.
As a kibitzer there is a bug that can affect (in my experience) a good 10% of matches that results in a corrupt log. It is far more rare for the log of someone who is actually a player in a match to be saved incorrectly (although it can happen).
Although I don't have any official capacity at SHG site I do receive a lot of email from users. The biggest ones these days are "Why doesn't Mozilla Firefox work?" and more recently "Why doesn't newer versions of Chrome function on Win8.1?". The former question I got enough requests that I created a Youtube video about it although there is some help provided in the FAQ. The latter problem is also covered in the SHG FAQ: . Not sure if the FAQ covers your issue or not but I thought I'd bring it up.
As for Chrome, any chance you are using it on a Win8.1 system?
The only bug that I do find to be a real issue is the rare occasion where my opponent has a bad connection and they boot. Sometimes upon restoring the match the dice will get re-rolled. The roll I had before my opp booted may disappear when the match is restarted. One way to minimize the effects of this (but not completely eliminate it) is to sit in the upper chair when restoring a match.
As for the two sets of dice I have posted my feelings previously on BGO about what I would have done as a site owner and my opinion on the decision they did make.
I can make a case for the USBGF being associated with their site especially since the USBGF and SHG do share something in common - making Backgammon more accessible and promoting the game. SHG happens to have some options that cater to the more social players.
I get a lot of tech related emails (many unrelated to GNUbg) from people that are given my name as a contact. When it comes to fixing match logs GridGammon ranks at the top of requests. Although splicing logs together is quite easy a lot of people don't know how to do it. The other question is how do I import CBG files, and the last one is generally why aren't my matches being saved by GG.
Disclosure: I do not work for SHG; I don't write the software @ SHG; I don't get monetarily paid by SHG; I have done consulting (free of charge) on some issues over the years; I have donated a good sum of money to SHG; I have been granted a long term paid membership on their site for the my assistance.
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