BGonline.org Forums
Double Fours to Play
Posted By: neilkaz In Response To: Double Fours to Play (Igor)
Date: Thursday, 18 December 2014, at 5:25 p.m.
"I don't know why, but 13/9(4) just looks right here."
Maybe bcuz often in BG we have to look not only at what we have now, but at what we can make and will have or not have a few rolls into the future.
Here 13/9(4) gives us many spares and flexibility and hopefully time to improve and hopefully either attack and/or roll another double to come around from the 16 pt and win with our race lead.
Attacking plays seem too stripped and may turn that blot we hit into a nuisance since we don't want to be hit from here.
And yeah, I've seen this sort of 44 play before and it shocked me when I first saw it.
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