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Try your favorite race formula with this one
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: Try your favorite race formula with this one (Kevin McDonough)
Date: Monday, 29 December 2014, at 2:10 a.m.
White is Player 2
score: 0
pip: 70Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaverpip: 64
score: 0
Blue is Player 1XGID=-CCBBB---AbB------aaaabeb-:0:0:1:00:0:0:3:0:10 Blue on roll, cube action? Isight Method Adjusted Pip Counts
Description Blue White Raw pip count 64 70 Crossover Penalty
Add 1 pip to the player with more crossovers for each extra crossover he needs to get home compared to his opponent. 2 Gap Penalty
Add 1 pip to a player for each gap he has on his 4-, 5-, or 6pt that is not exactly matched by his opponent.1 Stack Penalty 3pt
Add 1 pip for each checker on the 3pt beyond the first three. Stack Penalty 2pt
Add 1 pip for each checker on the 2pt beyond the first two.1 3 Stack Penalty 1pt
Add 2 pips for each checker on the 1pt beyond the first two.2 Checkers-Off Penalty
Add 1 pip to the player with fewer checkers off for each checker his opponent has taken off that he has not. Adjusted Pip Count 68 75 Isight Metric P
L = Leaders adjusted count (i.e., count for player who doubles) = 68
dL = delta L = (adjusted count for player who takes) (adjusted count for player who doubles) = 75 68 = 7
In some cases, this can be negative.P = Isight Metric = 80 L/3 + 2*dL = 80 22.7 + 14 = 80 8.7 = 71.3
Isight Method Criteria for Cube Action in an Unlimited Game
Isight Metric P Cube Action P < 68 No double, take 68 <= P < 70 Initial double, take 70 <= P <= 76 Redouble (or initial double), take 76 < P Redouble (or initial double), pass Recommended Cube Action:
Double, take
Dont blame me. Im just the messenger!
Isight is not even close here. It would need to increase P by 5 to turn this into a pass. In practice, both players will have few misses once they get home. White is down, therefore, by the two or so rolls more he will need to come home. He cannot make that up often enough to take.
Nice position!
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