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Gambling is bad and doesn't happen

Posted By: Phil Simborg
Date: Saturday, 31 January 2015, at 2:28 p.m.

Gambling is very bad for the game. I think it is wonderful that all of us tournament players only come for the love of the game and you rarely see any wagers, chouettes, or gambling of any kind.

However, it is interesting to see the odds, and if there were gambling at the Texas Championships, I saw a guy who placed odds on the players and they looked like this (Stick asked if I would post this because he felt that even though none of us gamble some would find it interesting).

Player Odds

Mochy 14 to 1

Michy 17

MCG 17

Neil 20

Petko 22

Victor 22

Wachtel 23

Woolsey 23

Sax 27

Stick 27

Phipps 28

Akiko 28

Raj 29

Coolrey 30

Culpepper 31

Senk 31

Malcolm 31

S. Nuniyants 35

Saba 38

Frigo 38

Raposa 38

Presser 38

Nunez 41

Munitz 42

Rory 42

High 43

Odis 45

Seewald 45

Simborg 46

Mattig 48

Mayfield 48

Goulding 49

Cattanagh 52

Markowitz 54

Bower 55

Bray 55

Pacheva 55

Lamote 55

Contos 60

Carol Cole 60

Finneran 60

Roman 60

Freedman 60

Glass 60

Horton 60

Fries 60

Musaelyan 60

Wheeler 60

Peter Bennett 60

K. Davis 60

S. Williams 60

Kettler 65

Antranikian 70

Pappas 70

Rogers 80

Hogan 80

Tuvya Felt 90

Gibson 90

Rosenblum 94

Antoinette 96

Winiewski 96

Ahmed 100

Anderson 100

Bird 100

Clarine 100

Martinez 100

Morse 100

Vietor 100

Deutch 100

Didi 100

Erwin 100

Finch 100

Flohr 100

Hakim 100

Loero 100

Oleson 100

Steg 100

Villarreal 100

Zakrajsek 100

Zunde 100

In addition, someone thinks that if there were gambling, it would be fun to be able to make the following bets:

Group Betting

That a top-32 Giant (14 here) will win (or not) Mochy, Michi, Neil, MCG, Petko, Wachtel, Sax, Stick, Victor, Malcolm, Woolsey, Akiko, Ray, Senk Yes: Lay 55 to get back 105, No: Lay 55 to get back 105. ------------------------------------------------------------

That a Japanese Player will win or not. (Mochy, Michi, Akiko) Yes: Lay 50 to get back 375, No: Lay 75 to get back 85.


That a female player will win or not. Yes: Lay 30 to get back 430, No: Lay 180 to get back 190. ____________________________________________________

That a Chicago-area Player will win or not (MCG, Neil, Simborg, Roman, Rory, Mattig, Presser) Yes: Lay 50 to get back 280, No: Lay 65 to get back 75.


That a California Player will win or not: Antranikian, Odis, Clarine, Contos, Gibson, Glass, Mayfield, Rennie, Sax, Vietor, Wachtel, Wisniewski, Woolsey (any that we missed from California will not count on either side)

Yes: Lay 50 to get back 220, No: Lay 50 to get back 60

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