BGonline.org Forums
Whats your game plan here supporting your choice?
Posted By: HOMINID In Response To: Whats your game plan here supporting your choice? (neilkaz)
Date: Wednesday, 11 February 2015, at 11:37 p.m.
"a situation in which you are supposed to make a choice but do not have a real choice because there is only one thing you have to do"
The position is simple in the extreme one has to hit the runner, it cannot be allowed to run , once the entire position is understood.No consideration need be given to cube match score or whatever else at this stage, The object is to win the game. This position is being over egged by some. Exposing two blots to a direct hit strikes terror in the heart of some players. The truth is that there is nearly a 50% chance that there will be no hit.. This game may swing dramatically in a couple of rolls in whites favour. If hit white is still very much in the game with plenty of counter play. A great play OTB.
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